Cooking Fever provides players with a lot of cooking mechanics in every location in the game, and some of the kitchen equipment can have the "autocooker" to make the cooking process for the players more relaxed and put the focus on other ingredients and meals to make.
Please note that not every location may have the auto-cooker. There are two ways to obtain an auto-cooker machine.
Buy an Autocooker
Players can buy an autocooker as a Special limited-time offer, which becomes available for the next 72 hours after they fulfill the specific requirement of completed levels in a restaurant location. Once the offer expires and the player chooses not to buy it, it will never appear again for that specific location.
Buy an Autocooker Mystery Box
Players can test their luck in getting the specific autocooker machine they would like to own out of all the possible autocookers they are eligible to have by purchasing the special in-app offer. If they see such an offer, it means they have various locations in which they may own the machine.
They can check the odds for each of the available locations by clicking the question mark icon while on the offer window.
Purchasing and opening the box grants the player with one autocooker machine for a random location for the list.
How to turn the Autocooker on or off
While the Autocooker machine is on, the ingredients are automatically cooked and won't get burnt.
In order to enable or disable the machine, players need to open the location's Kitchen Upgrades list and, look for the equipment with an extra star next to the three Upgrade Dots, and toggle the radio button to turn the Autocooker on or off. If the original equipment is not fully upgraded, players need to disable the Autocooker and click the upgrade buttons.
Here is a screenshot of the Autocooker machine in the Kitchen Upgrades list.
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