Currently, there are three game servers you can play on: Europe (EU), America (AM), and Asia (AS).
You can check your current server by opening your profile. As you can see in the picture below, it is written next to your Player ID.
If you decide to change the server you want to play the game on, please click on the Game settings. You will see the same Menu opened as in the picture below.
Then click on the button the arrow in the picture is pointing at, and choose one of the three servers you'd like.
Please note that each server has different accounts, so changing the server means you will play on a different account existing on the server you chose. Your previous account will remain, so you will be able to change back to the original server and play on the account stored there.
We recommend playing on the server according to your geographical position, as this will ensure a smoother and less laggy gameplay experience.
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